Coin Display
This is a deeply significant project for me. My son-in-law serves in the Army and has been awarded Challenge Coins by his Commander for successfully completing various missions. These coins hold immense sentimental value for him and his family. One Christmas, my daughter approached me with a heartfelt request to create a display stand for his cherished coins, which were currently stored in a drawer in their bedroom.
Utilizing my design skills, I embarked on the task of designing and constructing a display case that not only showcases the coins but also serves as a celebration and tribute to his accomplished service. The display case features an easily accessible opening, allowing him to add more coins as he continues to excel in his military career. Furthermore, the case provides ample space for future coins and plaques representing his increasing ranks as he progresses in the Army.
In the center of the display, I included my own Challenge Coin, symbolizing the Army Shield. This serves as a gesture of immense pride and support from our entire family. We are incredibly proud of my son-in-law, my daughter, and their sons, as in the Army, when one serves, the entire family serves.